Dog people
people are a special breed not usually recognized by the CKC/AKC.
They usually have crates in their living rooms.
They keep messy houses, but their kennels are spotless.
They can always find a show catalog within an arms reach.
And they have kids who know more about the birds and the bees when
they are five than most people know at 40.
Dog people will drive 400 miles, spend $100 on gas, $200 on a motel
room and $150 on meals to bring home a 25 cent ribbon.
Dog people drive trucks, vans, and motorhomes equipped to haul crates.
And they can never be reached on weekends, unless you happen to be at
the same show.
They have trouble getting to work on time but can be at ringside by
8:00 a.m
Dog people will give up a $150,000 home in the suburbs to move to a
shack on 10 acres so they can have a $150,000 dog kennel.
Dog people have children who grow up believing "Bitch" is just
household word
Dog people have lush green yards and never buy fertilizer.
Dog people pay the mortgage 10 days late BUT never miss a closing
date for entries.
Dog people would rather be audited by the IRS than investigated by
the AKC.
Dog people use dog food bags for trash and trash cans for dog food.
Dog people talk on the phone for hours to another dog person in a
language known only to dog people.
Dog people have parents & family who think they've lost their minds,
neighbors who think they're strange and doggy friends who think
they're terrific!!
Author unknown..